Palliative Care

Our palliative care service is offered to those being diagnosed with a palliative condition which is probably one of the most unpleasant ever situations for one to face.

At Placebo Care, however, we have the right personnel and measures to keep you, despite your terminal illness, as comfortable as possible. In palliative care – which is essentially all about improving the quality of anyone facing a life-threatening condition, support is given in the form of:-

Personal Care

We can assist with all aspects of personal care, ranging from bathing and showering, applying lotions and creams as required, dressing and getting ready for bed, oral hygiene, and incontinence care.

Mobility Support

Our trained carers can help you by providing safe and practical mobility support, assisting you to move around your home and live as independently as possible.

Palliative Care Service

Administration of Medications

Your palliative carer can assist with medication support – whether it is collecting it for you, organising it or actually helping administer it.

Preparing Meals

A palliative carer can cook healthy, balanced meals to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you need, and prepare your favourite meals and snacks.

Palliative Care Service: Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Battle, Rye & Beyond

Our Palliative Care Service helps provide the right personnel and measures to deal with the challenges we can find ourselves facing at the end of life. The areas we cover include Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Battle, Rye & beyond.

Get in Touch

Please get in touch s using our contact form & email or by phone.

Mobile: 07458600360 & 07460764046